Happy Doomsday
200 x 18 cm
Papier, Ficelle
200 x 18 cm
Papier, Ficelle
Extinction de masse, tel est le chemin
que l’on dessine. L’Homme née et
meurt, mais emporte tout sur son
passage. Nous assistons à des
désastres écologiques et climatiques
engendrés par l’Homme et ses
activités économiques et industrielles. Jamais la vie n’aura connue
extinction de masse aussi importante.
Puisqu’il n’y a plus d’espoir faisont la
Mass extinction is the way
that we draw. Man born and
dies, but takes it all on his passage. We are witnessing
ecological and climatic disasters generated by Man and his
economic and industrial activities Life will never have known
so important mass extinction. Since there is no more hope make the Party.
dies, but takes it all on his passage. We are witnessing
ecological and climatic disasters generated by Man and his
economic and industrial activities Life will never have known
so important mass extinction. Since there is no more hope make the Party.